10 Online Tools That Will Help You Write Better

10 Online Tools That Will Help You Write Better

Writing is one of the essential skills everyone needs to master. Whether you are a college student, a blogger, an aspiring fiction author, or a professional dealing with lots of written communications, there is always room for growth. 

This is especially important for academic writing as it comes with specific and strict requirements. That’s why many students struggle with endless essays, research papers, or case studies. They also often lack the time that is needed to complete complex papers. 

But it is still important to develop these skills. Today it is easier to do with lots of online platforms and tools available. Here are the best of them designed to help you write better. 


This service offers simple help writing a sample essay for you. When in need, students may choose to pay for papers and get help from professional academic writers. Such experts offer high-quality assistance with writing, editing, and proofreading college assignments in the shortest time. This is also a great learning opportunity as one can get advice from experienced writers. 


It is one of the best proofreading tools that exist, and what’s even better, it is free. You can download it as an app or as a browser extension. You can also use it online. The free version allows:

  • Checking grammar; 
  • Spelling; 
  • Redundancy; 
  • Typos, etc. 

After the analysis, you will also get an overall rating for the text based on its readability and style. There is also a premium subscription that gives access to a plagiarism checker and more advanced tips on style, formatting, and word usage. 

Cliché Finder

This online tool is ideal for writers that want to maximize their potential and make their texts more authentic. It does exactly what you would expect from the name. It highlights the clichés in the text so you can avoid them. 

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By regularly using this one, a person can enrich their vocabulary and learn how to express ideas clearly. And it also ensures that there are no overused phrases in there. 


Unpaywall is a browser extension that is especially useful for students. How does it work? For example, you’ve found an article or peer-reviewed source that you need for a paper. But the full version is not available for free. This extension searches the internet to find an existing free version of this text. 

If it is somewhere out there, you get instant access and can read it and use it for academic research. It helps to save money and find the sources you need. 

The algorithm takes information from open databases, government repositories, or online universities’ libraries. 


If you are looking for a credible plagiarism checker, try this one. Originally, it is aimed at content creators, but it works for any type of writing. Besides the plagiarism check, you get here: 

  • Grammar and spelling check; 
  • Keyword density; 
  • Dialects (you can choose American or British English, for instance, and it will highlight the words that need to be changed accordingly); 
  • Plagiarism results – if there are any similar texts online, you’ll get the link to it. 

It is an effective analyzer for many purposes, from making sure your text is not over spammed with particular words to proving its originality. 

OneLook Reverse Dictionary and Thesaurus

Every writer that wants to be better at their craft needs a thesaurus. But this tool works differently than usual ones. For instance, you can type here not only one word but whole phrases or even sentences. It is extremely helpful when you need a specific term you can’t remember. 

One can type in “hard to remember” and get all the synonyms for this phrase, like “hazy” or “elusive.” Another amazing feature is part of the speech filter. For example, if you need an adjective, you can filter out other results. 

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Overall, it is a wonderful tool to broaden your lexicon and make your writing more vivid. And it is completely free as well, which is always a plus.


Jargon refers to specific terms that might not be known by readers that are not in a specific industry. Imagine you are writing an article about software development and using some words that only programmers will understand. 

If the article is aimed at them, it is fine. But if the target audience is readers without a software development background, it will make the text’s readability not great. 

This platform highlights words and phrases that are considered jargon and make writing less comprehensive. It uses different colors based on how complex the term might be for the general public.

Hemingway Editor

This website is named after Ernest Hemingway, who is known for his straightforward writing style. The main point of the editor is to make sure your text is readable. 

One can simply copy and paste their work here and get instant analysis. The goal is to score lower, which means that your text will be easily understandable to a wider audience. 

Any problematic parts are highlighted with different colors. They represent various issues, such as:

  • Passive voice; 
  • Sentences that are hard to understand; 
  • Complicated constructions; 
  • Words that have simpler alternatives; 
  • Unnecessary adverbs.

If you regularly use this editor, you’ll learn how to be straight to the point. It endorses a clear expression of thoughts. As a result, the readability of your works gets much better. 

Citation Machine

It is one of the most beloved websites for those who hate essay writing and citations in particular. This tool helps to make citations easily and correctly in no time. It supports scholarly citation styles and is easy to use. Just paste the source and get the ready-to-paste result. 

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This one is helpful not only for students but also for content creators that want their blogs or articles to be excellent and with correct quotations. 

Language Tool

You can use this one as a browser extension to analyze and improve your texts. It does grammar and spelling checks, which is nice. It is free to use for any paper up to 20,000 words. The tool offers comprehensive results and insights into how to make the writing better. 

One of the features that make this one stand out is the ability to choose American, British, Australian, or Canadian English norms. 


Thesaurus is a popular website for anyone interested in mastering their communication. It is pretty simple – you type in a word and get a list of all possible synonyms. They are highlighted in different colors to show how close they are to the original request. This is important as we all tend to be limited by the phrases we often use. 

Here you can look for synonyms divided according to part of the speech, like nouns, adjectives, and verbs. Thesaurus offers credible and relevant results to broaden your vocabulary and reduce tautology. 

In Summary 

It is important to constantly develop and advance one’s skills, especially when it comes to writing. Whether you want to be more successful in college or wish to pursue a professional career as an author, these tools will help to achieve that. 

They offer a comprehensive analysis of different aspects of the texts. Some check grammar and spelling, others reduce clichés and jargon, and some evaluate the originality. By using them regularly, one can become more conscious of their works, improve readability, and broaden the lexicon. 

About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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