10 tech news to start the day (10/01)

10 tech news to start the day (10/01)

Good morning! To know everything that happened last Thursday (30) we have sifted the headlines from the world of science and technology. To see each news item in full, just click on the link below.

1. xCloud officially arrives in Brazil today (30) with over 100 games. The service is now available at no additional cost to all Game Pass Ultimate customers.

2. eFootball launched and became the target of criticism and memes; check out! Despite being free, fans are criticizing the graphics, bugs, and player faces of Konami’s new game.

3. iOS 15 causes screen issues in iPhone 13 and older models. According to some users, the new iOS 15 update will disable the screen of many iPhone models.

4. Older Android phones no longer log into Google. The measure affected at least 6 million Android 2.3.7 devices.

5. TCL will be the first brand to bring Google TV to Brazil. Google’s system will be present on the new TCL Smart TVs starting in October.

6. Senate approves bill to create unique identification number for CPF. The Senate-approved bill would not eliminate all existing identification documents, but it does provide for their numbers to be replaced by CPFs.

7. New adhesive vaccine removes needles and could speed up vaccination campaigns. Polymer adhesives with self-applied microneedles directly to the skin require no needle sticks, storage and special handling.

8. Research acknowledges negative impact of Instagram on young people’s health. However, a report designed by Facebook claims that everything depends on the general well being of these youths.

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9. Grey’s Anatomy: Ellen Pompeo Reveals Fight With Denzel Washington. Ellen Pompeo and Denzel Washington had a spat during the recording of the 12th season of the medical series.

10. The woodpecker that inspired the design will be declared extinct in the US. US officials said the ivory-billed woodpecker should be declared extinct, in addition to 22 species.

About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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