6 Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Website

6 Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Website

1. Lack of any plan

Creating a website can be compared to opening a store, restaurant, or starting any other physical business. So it is no wonder that it requires some kind of planning. It is important to let your target audience understand what you can offer them, how you are going to advertise, and how you envision further business growth.

A lot of research is required at every stage of website development. Failure to do so creates a website such as blindly knowing what your audience really wants. So not having a plan is one of the biggest mistakes. In this case the solution is very simple: just take the time and make it.

2. Invalid Domain Name

When choosing a domain name, it is important to make sure that it reflects your identity as closely as possible, is relevant to the business you are running, and is easy to remember. It is these domain names that are considered to be the most successful. So how do you get it? Answer: Do your research and find a name that best suits your business. This is usually needed to ensure that it is free. Domain verification. By clicking on the link, you can perform this action very quickly and easily.

3. Messy Home Page

Because there is so much content on the Internet, consumers have little patience. So, if the first thing they see when they visit your site is a messed up home page, then it is very likely that you will lose potential customers. Solution: Keep this page as simple, clear and user friendly as possible.

4. Slow Server

Slow servers can negatively affect the loading speed of a website. According to statistics, potential visitors wait an average of 4 seconds for a site to load. If it does not, they simply go out and visit the competitors’ websites. To avoid such an error, it is recommended to choose a reliable and well-repurposed hosting provider.

5. Not thinking about mobile devices

This is without a doubt another big mistake when creating a website. Now more than 60 percent. All searches on the Internet are performed using mobile devices and 80%. – On social networks. Therefore, it is important to think not only about mobile templates, but also about the layout of the website that ensures a great user experience (UX). What to do? Answer: When creating your website, remember to optimize it for mobile devices.

6. Efficient use of controls

Widgets (otherwise known as plugins) are a useful thing, but you should only add them that actually have some impact on your site. For example, WordPress allows you to set up multiple controls, which may seem like a great idea at first. However, the more plugins you have, the more weight your site will determine and how long it will take to load. Solution: Add only the controls that you know you are going to use, and they will help you grow your online business. When choosing a plugin, make sure it is responsive, can be designed to fit your site, and is secure.

The best sites are those that are constantly improved and adapted to the changing needs of users. Therefore, these actions are necessary to take care of the success of your business. Develop a website strategy to stay competitive and move forward.

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About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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