Brazil remains out of an agreement in Latin America that protects the rights of environmentalists in nature

Brazil remains out of an agreement in Latin America that protects the rights of environmentalists in nature

The first – and by far unique – environmental treaty to protect human rights of environmentalists came into force on Thursday (22). Called Escazú AgreementThe treaty was signed between Latin America and the Caribbean countries. Brazil did not comply with the commitment.

Considered one of the most dangerous areas to protect environmental rights, Latin America 60% of all murders against registered environmentalists in the world are concentrated.

“In 2019, 210 environmental protectors were killed in the world, two-thirds in our region, and worse in 2020,” said Alicia Bevasena, general secretary of the LCLAC, a treaty-promoting entity in conjunction with Costa Rica.

The aim of the agreement is to protect the environment and the health of the people, especially the indigenous people. The treaty aims to promote public participation, access to justice in information and environmental matters.

Brazil does not comply with the agreement

Formed in 2018 in the city of Escazu, Costa Rica, the treaty was initially signed by 21 countries. At the time, Brazil was among the countries that signed the document, but did not ratify it.

VIDEO: Bolsonaro's speech at the Climate Leaders Summit

VIDEO: Bolsonaro’s speech at the Climate Leaders Summit

To enter into the agreement, at least 11 countries must ratify the treaty. By 2020, only Antigua and Barbuda, Bolivia, Ecuador, Guyana, Nicaragua, Panama, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Lucia and Uruguay confirmed the commitment.

After the accession of Mexico and Argentina, the agreement moved forward. On 22 January this year, ratification was submitted to the United Nations – a document that proves the commitment of the signatory countries.

In a recorded message, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stated that the implementation of the agreement “provides hope and inspiration and opens the way for sustainable and flexible regulation to prevent climate change, biodiversity collapse and natural pollution.” ” atmosphere.

In a note, the United Nations Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) encouraged countries that had not yet followed the agreement to do so.

Watch a video about the climate summit

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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