Two hours of video games burn like a thousand abs, says study

Two hours of video games burn like a thousand abs, says study

Playing a video game for two hours can burn the same number of calories as doing one thousand sit-ups in a row, according to a new study by researchers at Steakster, an international app that rewards video game users.

In the study with 50 volunteers, researchers used smart devices to measure heart rate and calorie burn while playing. fifa e call of duty: warzone for two hours. The same people’s calorie burn was also measured when they did sets of sit-ups.

The male players burned an average of 210 calories per hour during the experiment, while the female players lost about 236 calories over the same period. In a two-hour online game, the cost was equal to thousand sit-ups.

Steakster CEO and founder Tom Fairey told the newspaper daily Mail He was hoping for results that would prove to be calorie burning during the activity, but was surprised to see how many were burned during the two-hour match.

“We all know that competition gets our heart rates up and most of us have experienced the ‘sport sweat’ that happens when you’re looking for a last minute goal in a tough situation in FIFA or in Warzone. ,” said Tom Fairey, CEO and founder of Steakster.

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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