In its new version, the WhatsApp application was curious, a new additional feature to make things easier for the users of the famous green social application, through a setting that helps the user to store the chats in a certain place. at the top, and none of the new messages appear when the owner of that archived chat sends more messages.
According to what was published by BGR.IN, this new feature developed by the WhatsApp application allows people using the application to place the chat window at a higher position in the chat and less important messages in other folders with priority. helps.
and feature واتساب These new messages related to archived messages come to put things in their right place, because these messages remain in the same folder even after receiving more messages as they would be again from the folder after receiving those messages in the old version come out. new message.
This feature is one of the default feature in WhatsApp, as soon as you cancel it, you will get messages that have reappeared in front of you, so if you don’t want to keep the messages in the archive, you will be able to easily So.
And this feature, according to the announcement made by WhatsApp, will contribute to facilitating events that are uninterrupted, and contribute to preserving important messages that the user prioritizes in his place and before his eyes. .
In a press release published by the developers of the WhatsApp application, they emphasized that they know that everything should not be in the middle or in the front, and with the new update the WhatsApp application remains a safe place for you, you safe from those people. You can talk in a way that you care about and you control every message you send.