After the MP’s approval, the Chamber debated privatization of Eletrobras – poca Negócios

After the MP’s approval, the Chamber debated privatization of Eletrobras – poca Negócios

Eletrobras logo (Photo: Reuters / Pilar Olivares)

The Chamber of Deputies, in a public hearing today (24), discussed the effects of privatization of Eletrobras. Interestingly, the debate erupted after the approval of Provisional Measurement (MP) 1.031 / 21, which made possible the privatization of the state-owned company. Experts in the power sector and Eletrobras warned of the risks of capitalization of the state-owned energy company, including an increase in tariffs and a lack of research in the area.

President of the Association of Engineers and Technicians of Iletrobras Systems, Ikaro Chaves warned about the possibility of an increase in electricity rates. “In 2017, the National Electric Power Agency” [Aneel] Given to Ministry of Mines and Energy [MME] A study that predicted the impact of at least a 17% increase in the average residential electricity bill in the country, ”said Chaves. “The government said that the energy bill would come down but did not present figures for the audit, it was serious,” he said.

Gilberto de Azvedo, a researcher and employee representative of the Electric Energy Research Center (Sepel), warned that, in four years, the institute’s research activities, which develop studies for ileotrobras, will be disabled due to planned investment cuts. MP.

“The MP defines a sudden decrease in contribution to Sepel by Eletrobras companies, without clearly defining other sources of revenue. From the second year onwards, the contribution starts to decrease and from the fourth year onwards the institution is no longer viable ”. According to him, three-quarters of Seppel’s resources come from Eletrobras and its companies. According to Azevedo, this financing model is similar to the model adopted in research and development centers in countries such as Norway, the United States, Canada, Germany, and Japan.

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The head of MME’s Special Economic Affairs Advisor, Halton Madurira, participated in the debate on behalf of the government and defended the privatization of Eletrobras. According to Madurira, the aim of the MP is to promote investment in लेटletrobras with private resources and to obtain investment to revive the Sao Francisco River and the interconnect system in the Northern Territory.

“We understand that the capitalization of Eletrobras will allocate resources to improve the water quality of the Sao Francisco River, thereby improving the amount of water available to generate electricity; and interconnect systems in the north region, reducing energy production costs To do ”, the MME representative said.

On the other hand, Chaves said that Eletrobras is a healthy company and ready to invest. “Eletrobras is a profitable company, generating more than R $ 30 billion in profits in the last three years, generating cash of R $ 15 billion per year. It was Brazil’s sixth-highest profit-making company in 2020: its Has R $ 15 billion in cash, ready to invest. ”

Late debate

Public hearing is usually a tool for pre-debate so that the population is aware of a topic before voting. However, the hearing was held after the vote on the matter in the Chamber, with participants regretting the fact. “Unfortunately, we did not get an opportunity to come and debate. Not public hearing. Brazilians did not have the opportunity to know the risks of privatization because there was no debate, ”Chaves said.

Senator Esperidio Amin’s wife (PP-SC), deputy Angela Amin (PP-SC), who attended the public hearing, said she believed the issue would be better debated in the Senate, where text accepted by deputies last week is as follows . “[A audiência pública] Arrived late, as the MP has already been approved. But the discussion in the Senate, and I have very close information, will be much broader than in the Chamber, ”he said.

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About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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