Apple’s third product event in 3 months may be around the corner

Apple’s third product event in 3 months may be around the corner

Apple has not unveiled new devices this fall.

Despite a major event for the iPad and Apple Watch this week and another major platform for the iPhone this week, the tech company is gearing up for a third program next month to announce the giant new computer computers.

Apple mentioned being leaked John Prosser reports That Capertino, a California-based company, is planning the event on November 17, where it will launch its first Mac compliant with the new processors developed by Apple based on the chips used in its iPhone and iPad. Will reveal.

Apple confirmed its long-awaited breakup with Intel in June, ending a 15-year partnership with the giant chipmaker in favor of using its own silicon.

Apple says its new processors outperform Intel’s chips, and upcoming computers will allow computers to be both faster and more energy efficient.

The new chips will give software developers the first to create apps for the iPhone and iPad and gain new access to its laptops and desktops. Craig Federighi, head of Apple Software, said in June that for most of the offerings, “most apps work, no developer changes” to the new Max.

Intel will still have some presence in Apple Computer computers, however, CEO Tim Cook said that some computers with Intel chips are still coming down the pike that he was “really curious” about, and said that Apple would provide software updates. Will continue to do “for years to come” for Macs with Intel chips.

Cook said it would take two years for the complete replacement of home-made silicone to take place, but would begin next month.

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About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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