“Argentina rejected military maneuvers, and in particular in the strongest terms, the launch of missiles into territory illegally occupied by the United Kingdom,” the Argentine Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
For Alberto Fernandez’s government, these maneuvers constitute an unreasonable display of strength and an intentional departure at the call of countless UN resolutions and other international organizations asking both countries to return to the negotiating table. Island.
According to the note, the British Foreign Ministry itself informed the Argentine embassy in London that the United Kingdom would conduct military exercises in the Malvinas region over the next few days which would include the launch of rapier missiles.
Soon after being officially informed, Buenos Aires sent a note of protest in London. In it, the Argentine government recalled that the United Nations and other organizations have asked the parties not to “take unilateral decisions that include the introduction of a change in status while the islands are undergoing the recommended negotiation process”.
According to Argentina, the military presence in the region and the launch of missiles also contradicted another UN resolution calling for states “militarily important” to honor the South Atlantic region as a zone of peace and cooperation. is.
Argentina also emphasized that, regarding its obligations related to navigation safety in the Southwest Atlantic, the Argentine Naval Hydrographic Service will issue a nautical radio warning as soon as it knows about the military exercise. Will go.
The Argentine government has announced that it will report the situation to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and the International Maritime Organization.
Argentina and the United Kingdom clashed in 1982 in a battle for the sovereignty of Malvinas Island, killing 255 Britons, 649 Argentines, and three natives. EFE
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