Army sending 200 paratroopers to America

Army sending 200 paratroopers to America

The Brazilian Army Command will send 200 paratroopers to the United States. They will be ready for joint activities in the second half of this monthPulling operation“. So scheduled for operation 18 February 21 close.

Belong to the soldier From the 25th Parachutist Infantry Battalion, Parachutist Infantry Brigade (Bda inf Pdqt). For US, military personnel 82nd Parachutist Division.

So activities will stay in Joint preparedness training center (JRTC, for the Joint Readiness Training Center), in Fort Polk, Louisiana. It is there, for example, where America trains its military Combat Brigade and National Guard contingent. JRTC is one of the three centers of that unit. Therefore, a very important campus.

Brazil and USA established this military partnership in 2017. Among the objectives, is the improvement of Brazilian troops.

Parachutist generals leap

Brazilian parachutists finished their preparations on 14 November.

However, the “crown”, so to speak, occurred on 15 December. For the first time that day, Brazilian general officers boarded the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) KC-390 Millennium Freezer to jump.. The largest military aircraft assembled by Embraer, the aircraft flew from the Campo dos Afonosos Air Base in Rio. Among other general officers, he leaped: hence

  • Commander of Bda Inf Pqdt, Brigadier General Helder de Freitas Braga;
  • Chief of the Army’s Department of Education and Culture (DECEX), General of the Army Miguel Min Ribeiro Pava;
  • Former military commander, Army General Jose Eduardo Pereira;
  • Brigadier General Eduardo Tavarez Martins, Chief of Staff of the former military command.
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Generals Tomas and Jose Eduardo See parachutists aboard the KC-390 at the Campo dos Afonosos base in Rio – Photos: 2 Ten Forrestini / CML Disclosures

The exercise was therefore registered as an “unprecedented mission” within the Afonosos launch zone. “We’re jumping together Recognized for parachutist operation ending Will be held in the United States. Army commandos told that there are some parachutists who jumped from this plane and I feel fortunate.

As Brazilian and North American Parachutist Soldiers Therefore will perform joint jumps. Army will board the aircraft 100-17, 100-130J and KC-390 Millennium.

** This text does not reflect the opinion of the UAI portal.

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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