‘Beating’ the Earth! Is it a phenomenon that affects human behavior? | Earth Space | Technology | Science | Science news | Malayalam technology news

‘Beating’ the Earth!  Is it a phenomenon that affects human behavior?  |  Earth  Space |  Technology |  Science |  Science news |  Malayalam technology news

How many people know that there is a ‘heartbeat’ on earth and it also affects human nature? About 50 lightning falls every second on Earth. There is an electromagnetic field of shorter wavelength due to the continuous flow of electricity. These are movements that call Shuman Matoli the heartbeat of the Earth.

The incident came to the attention of the scientific community in the 1960s. It was discovered that energy waves occur at a frequency of about 7.83 Hz. The event was named Schumann Mottoli in honor of the German physicist Winfred Otto Schumann.

These electromagnetic movements are more or less due to changes in the ionosphere that are part of the Earth’s atmosphere. It is the atmospheric field that increases and decreases in size as it absorbs energy from the Sun. The ionosphere is thin at night and thicker by day. An increase in electric capacity in areas considered to be electric hotspots also causes fluctuations in the heart rate of the Earth.

Earlier studies suggested that this heartbeat may also affect human behavior. A 2006 study found that the speed of our brain and the beat of the Earth ranged from about 6 Hz to 16 Hz. In 2016, a more detailed study was carried out by the Behavioral Neuroscience Laboratory at Laurent University in Canada. Of these, 184 persons were studied continuously for about three and a half years. The study also revealed similarities between electromagnetic waves in the human brain and the heartbeat of the Earth.

Some have even compared the 7.83 Hz wave, considered the heartbeat of the Earth, to human hypnosis, meditation, and even growth hormone in humans. However, there is no scientific evidence to date. There are those who believe that the beat of the earth can also affect human consciousness. Let us set aside such disturbing times. Especially until science finds evidence for it.

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English summary: Earth has a ‘heartbeat’ of 7.83 Hz, and it can affect human behavior.

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About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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