Beware of Fake Installation Files Downloading Trojans and Malware to PC

Beware of Fake Installation Files Downloading Trojans and Malware to PC

Windows 11 is officially available to download and install already in the Insider Preview. So beware of copies from unofficial sources that install Trojans and malware.

Despite some controversies, such as Minimum configuration requested, ns Windows 11 Overview Rather well received. Many people have started testing the system on PC with Insider Program Which allows you to download and install Windows 11 on PC.

However, Very Serious Kaspersky warns against other sources, unofficial, for downloading the new system. Microsoft. Malicious people will take advantage of Windows 11’s lure to come up with malware.

malicious installation files

Points to instance of Kaspersky file 86307_windows 11 build 21996.1 x64 + activator.exe Which weighs in at 1.75 GB. On paper, one would be tempted to believe it. If we launch the .exe file, we also encounter an installation process that doesn’t seem out of the ordinary. It is actually a software that will download and launch another installation file. The latter will offer a user license that hides the request to actually install multiple malware on the machine.

Installed software includes harmless adware that will display ads in your program, up to Trojans that can steal your passwords or take advantage of security holes.

According to Kaspersky, several machines have already been infected because of bogus installation files. It’s a shame when downloading and installing Windows 11 from official sources is completely authorized and free. better to stick So for Microsoft’s sources.

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About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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