Biden says the United States should cross 600,000 dead by Kovid-19

Biden says the United States should cross 600,000 dead by Kovid-19

So far, 410 thousand deaths from the disease have occurred in the country leading the number of deaths in the world; Biden took over as US President on 20 January

EFE / EPA / Office ElectionBiden said more than 600,000 Americans should die with Kovid-19

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, said on Friday, 22, that the country, which led the number of new coronovirus deaths in the world, to surpass the mark of half a million fatal victims due to the disease Will happen. “We have 400,000 dead, we expect to reach more than 600,000,” he said in a statement to the press. At the press conference, Democrats emphasized strengthening the economy and helping those who are about to be evicted or who have lost their jobs with a nearly $ 2 trillion plan to encourage families and industries. “Families are hungry, we need to take action. If we work now, our economy will be stronger in the short and long term.

In the conversation, the new president also said that the need for assistance to the needy is a plan that is required by the left, right and center “by liberals and conservatives”. “If we work now, we will be able to compete better with the world. If we act now, we will be able to fulfill our obligations as Americans to each other, ”he said. Biden said that the country is in a national emergency and it should act as if it were in a national emergency, doing whatever is necessary with unity. “We have the tools to go through this”, he concluded. To date, 410,300 people have died and 24 million have been infected with Kovid-19 in the United States.

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About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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