Bill Gates believed diversity could ‘destroy’ Microsoft, says website – link

Bill Gates believed diversity could ‘destroy’ Microsoft, says website – link

A spokesman for the billionaire denied all claims and said testimony by former employees was distorted.

In addition to leaving scratched image of divorce with Melinda French GatesNow the witnesses are coming to the fore that Bill Gates He was not a very good master even in his days Microsoft. according to american website business Insider, he not only shouted at his employees, he said that initiatives to increase diversity in the company would “destroy” the company.

On the site, some sources reporting Gates’ behavior asked not to be identified, but former Microsoft board member Maria Clave openly stated that the entrepreneur was not receptive to claims of diversity, which, more often than not, they came up with. Were. from the employees of the company.

“The message was: ‘Caring for diversity has nothing to do with Microsoft’s success,'” Maria told business InsiderThe subject was addressed by Gates, saying that “Are you trying to destroy the company?” were greeted with phrases like

This Wednesday, 30, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – Joe continues to seek other advisors on his board of directors after Warren Buffett leaves Announced a $2.1 billion fund dedicated to gender equality work. The fund is mainly led by Melinda, who started working for the cause a few years back.

“The world has been fighting for gender equality for decades, but progress has been slow,” French Gates said in a statement on Wednesday, 30. “Now is a chance to rekindle a movement and deliver real change.”

employees received rejection slogans

Other employees who did not want to be identified, said business Insider It was common to hear screams of disapproval from Gates whenever the meeting was called. “Meeting with Bill was just an opportunity for him to yell at me, so I tried to avoid it,” said one employee.

In addition, another former Microsoft said that Gates constantly memorized their license plates to keep employees’ cars under control, but did not explain how the company’s owner used the information. Furthermore, employees of the tech giant told the site that the phrase “this is the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard” became something of a Gates catchphrase, with the frequency with which they repeated it in their offices.

A spokesman for the billionaire denied all claims and said testimony by former employees was distorted. Bill Gates was also described by former employees, who declined to be identified, as “an awkward human being when it comes to social interactions” and that he “didn’t really know how to play or connect with people.” is.”

In 2019, The Microsoft founder was the subject of an internal company investigation in the 2000s for an alleged affair with an employee. Gates left the company soon after. At the time, Microsoft also called for the billionaire’s removal during the investigation, but a spokesperson said this was not the reason for Gates’ departure from the company.

About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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