Black London Footballers: Pioneers, Cage Games and Shocks | Football news

Black London Footballers: Pioneers, Cage Games and Shocks |  Football news

Playing many years before your age group, growing in the intensity of cage football, and the hot barrier of talent.

As part of Black History Month, Jeffett Tanga, Wilfried Zha and Michelle Antonio provide an interesting insight into life as a young black footballer in London.

Crystal Palace winger Zaha, born in Ivory Coast and moved to Thornton Heath, Croydon, at the age of four, discusses how being surrounded by caged football in south London helped him become the player he is now. Is.

Zaha also explains that Colin Omogben, the former coach of the Palace Community Community Niti, who is now the coach of United-U23 in Fulham, was a mentor to him, and what it means for him to be a role model for others.

Antonio’s path to the Premier League was equally interesting, and West Ham goes on to explain how several setbacks at the non-league level failed to hang him.

The 30-year-old, who grew up in Wandsworth, started with Tutting and Misham before passing through six other clubs to reach the Premier League with West Ham.

June 14, 2012 in Stratford, England.
Zaha, Tanga and Antonio Cage describe the intensity of football

Tangenham, another recent Premier League find with Tottenham, discusses the growing discussions in Hackney, and the impact of Spurs coach Ugo Ihigu on him.

The 21-year-old also says that Viv Anderson, Cyril Regis, Laurie Cunningham, John Barnes and Paul Ince are role models for him as a black footballer, for whom black footballers are struggling to pave the way for Zhao, Antonio. And more.

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Sky Sports Nigel, the father of Chelsea’s right-back Reese James, who runs Nigel James Elite Coaching, also speaks on the performance of the all-inclusive elite and the development of young players.

James discusses the pressures of being a young footballer, and why Zha and Antonio are role models.

Read Black History Month content on Sky Sports, including exclusive interviews and features

About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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