Boris Johnson announces Christmas coveted plans

Boris Johnson announces Christmas coveted plans

Boris Johnson is set to announce plans for a new robust three-tier system today, when the lockdown ends on December 2.

The Prime Minister will present his “Covid-19 Winter Plan” to the House of Commons at 3.30pm today, detailing how families can spend time together this Christmas.

The Prime Minister, who is still isolating himself, will address the nation remotely at a press conference at around 7 pm.

He will be joined by England’s Chief Medical Officer Professor Chris Witty and Oxford Vaccine Group Director Andrew Pollard.

The new rules will see a strict three-tiered system of local restrictions to control the virus in England.

When the current restrictions expire on December 2, non-essential shops and gyms are allowed to reopen.

The current 10 a.m. curfew for pubs, restaurants and bars may be revoked to give people an extra hour to complete their meals and drinks.

But reports suggest new pubs and restaurants Tier 3 Only takeaways may be allowed.

On Sunday, ministers from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland agreed to allow “a few domestic bubbles for a few days” during Christmas.

However, we will have to wait until Thursday to find out which area each area will enter.

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About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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