Brasilia Agency

Brasilia Agency

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Asa Norte Regional Hospital (Haran) has become a reference in the care and treatment of people infected with the coronavirus. A group of experts from the unit working during the first wave conducted a study that is now available on the research platform the LancetScientific journal published in the UK.

Haran achieved launch as an efficient health unit in detecting COVID-19. Photo: Giovanna Albuquerque / Archivo Agnia Sade

entitled Impact of chest computed tomography in a COVID-19 reference hospital – First Wave – Distrito Federal – Brazil, the work shows how the team used an alternative method to quickly identify people potentially infected with the coronavirus. This happened early in the pandemic, when PCR-RT tests were less accessible and results would take days to obtain.

“Haran’s performance was pivotal during all waves of the pandemic, and our medical clinic has always been a reference in other epidemics”
– Pedro Zancanaro, Superintendent of the Central Health Sector

This process, focused on the evaluation of chest tomography, later proved to be very effective in the early detection of Kovid-19. “The processes need to be accelerated”, explains physician Gleim Dias de Souza, a radiologist who coordinated the study. “This does not mean that chest tomography replaces PCR-RT, but on the basis of the serious condition experienced – as it was at the time – and the severity of the patient, it is clear that it is a tool for diagnosis. Compulsory supplementary examination”.

A status room was created in which the assembled doctors evaluated the results of the examination. “We did a series of CT scans every 15 minutes, without interruption,” says Paulo Feitosa, head of the pulmonology area at Hernán and one of the authors of the article. “Everything was done quickly, diagnosis was very quick and, as a result, classification of patient severity and intervention was done very quickly”.

The superintendent of the central health sector, Pedro Zancanaro, confirms that the availability of chest CT scans in Hernán has made a large amount of examination possible, allowing for early detection of pneumonia cases and rapid intervention. “Haran’s performance during all waves of the pandemic was pivotal, and our medical clinic has always been a reference in other epidemics”, he says.

The article is in a pre-print version, in which case, already available for consultation by the scientific community, it has not yet been peer reviewed.

check out Here More details of this study.

,Hran. with information from

Brasilia Agency* | Editing: Chico Neto

About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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