Brazil India to Oxford – 01/12/2021 – talks on planes to get daily life vaccines

Brazil India to Oxford – 01/12/2021 – talks on planes to get daily life vaccines

Amid criticism of the delay in defining “D-Day” and “H-hr” to introduce vaccination, the government is to take the dose of the first Oxford vaccines to be implemented in Brazil for airplanes and to produce new vaccines Also asks for input. Vaccination against Kovid.

The idea is to send two Boeing to bring the material. One of them will go to India to take 2 million ready doses delivered by the Serum Institute, one of the centers associated with AstraZeneca for the production of the Oxford vaccine. On the other hand, Brazil will have to go to China to search for raw materials, which should be used to produce other supplements in Brazil through Focruz, which has an agreement with the pharmaceutical company.

Health members want the plane to get ready to leave by Friday (15), according to that Leaf got to know. On the other hand, Fokruz officially informed that it is expected that the arrival of vaccines will occur “within the next week”.

Despite the forecast, the government has not yet discontinued all the logistics details and has defined the company that will travel. The idea is to use commercial flights, whose aircraft will be faster than the FAB (Brazilian Air Force).

By the end of this discovery, a team from the ministry is already preparing advertising materials to publicize the arrival of vaccines in Brazil. The group is putting a logo on the plane and using the message “We are all one nation”, a slogan used in announcing the National Immunization Scheme.

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The governors assess that the ministry Joao Doria (PSDB) is in a hurry to burden the ministry in trying to start vaccination with a dose of AstraZeneca before beginning immunization in São Paulo with those in Battan, who are now also part of it Should be Federal plan. However, both vaccines still depend on Anuvisa’s approval. Currently, the agency evaluates requests for emergency use from two laboratories.

Negotiations to import 2 million ready-made doses for Fiocruz began in December. At the time, the governor of São Paulo had already announced that he would like to start vaccination in the state on 25 January, and the ministry still had no date set for the national campaign.

The measure was an option for the government to anticipate the start of the strategy with the Oxford vaccine, one of the government’s main bets for mass vaccination.

By then, FiroCruz planned to deliver the first dose of a deal on 8 February, including production of 100.4 million in the first half.

With the imported dose, the Ministry of Health hopes that it will be possible to start vaccination around 20 January. Without being able to close the exact dates, the Minister of Health, Eduardo Pazuelo, confirmed this Monday (11th) that the strategy should begin “on D-Day and H-Hour”.

According to Fiocruz, in Rio de Janeiro, the dose must arrive via the airport Gallo. On the same day, they go to the foundation’s BioManginhos lab for labeling. The next day, they go on delivery in the country, which according to the ministry, should take between four and five days.

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In a note, the Foundation also says that it awaits information from regulatory authorities in AstraZeneca and China, which have specific protocols for exporting cargo, which is also the first input from Brazil to produce the vaccine. Confirms the date of.

With the start of production, deliveries should take place in stages, the foundation says. It is expected to reach 50 million doses by April and 100.4 million doses by July 2021.

Commercial companies have made themselves available to help deliver vaccines as soon as the country’s first dose. Apart from them, the FAB will also assist with the aircraft.

Brazil had already received the help of airlines when it went to China to get PPE kits (Personal Protective Equipment). Now you should repeat the partnership.

Despite having 2 million doses, which according to members of the Ministry of Health, will be brought to Brazil, the load is small. About seven straps will be sufficient to load the material. According to folder technicians, attention is required, along with storage conditions – on a daily basis, the Oxford vaccine requires temperatures of 2 to 8 ° C.

For example, the Coronavac vaccines manufactured by the Butanon laboratory were transported to Brazil by a Turkish Airlines Boeing 777F.

After flying off China and making stops in Turkey and the United States before landing at Guarulhos Airport, the aircraft arrived in Brazil on 19 November, carrying the first 120,000 doses of the immunizer.

The material is cooled in the cabin to -8 degrees. The logistics and coordination for Turkish flights to bring the vaccines were done by the government of São Paulo.

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The Health Ministry was contacted to talk about the logistics to bring the vaccines, but did not answer questions Leaf.

About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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