Brute force giants dominate events, but suffer from ordinary everyday conditions

Brute force giants dominate events, but suffer from ordinary everyday conditions

Four participants of Forca Bruta, the Summer Spectacular event that will be held in Kotia this Sunday, and broadcast in Sport Spectacular, will deal with events in which they load hundreds of kilos, pull trucks and throw barrels at meters End.

Brute force will bring together some of the strongest men in the world

But the real challenge is that Brazil’s Tiago Apparedido, Bolivian Christian Cuiroga, Estonian Rauno Hinla and Russian Mikhail Shivalikov are day-to-day. All these are synonymous with strength and endurance, but suffer from everyday situations. For example, traveling by plane in economy class seats.

– The biggest inconvenience is when I travel by plane. It’s not just because I’m big and things are tight and small for me, but also because I’m worried about the people around me – 140kg Russian, current brute force champion and title favorite this Sunday.

Roueno, Mikhail, Quiroga and Tiago Apparecido – Photo: Paulo Roberto Conade

Estonian Henla also agrees, 140 kg. when Give it In Sao Roque (SP), in the hotel room where everyone stayed, he was interviewed, referring to the cramped bathroom and small bed as “antagonists” of everyday life.

– Look, even [o banheiro do hotel] It is not so small. I can join [risos]. But I almost always have a problem. And it’s uncomfortable – the European said.

– Whenever I travel all over the world, on a simple trip or for a competition, I face difficulties. Because I get small sized doors, small sized beds. When I go to the United States, everything is big there. But in England, everything is small. It has always worked here in Brazil, even though the bed is not very big, I can fix it – Russians had fun.

At least this Sunday, the challenge is back to brute force trials. That they, yes, dominate,

– It will be a tough competition between me and Mikhail. And I’m sure Tiago and Cristian will work hard too. Everyone wants to win – Rauno said.

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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