BTG Launches Automated Recommended Portfolio of BDRs

BTG Launches Automated Recommended Portfolio of BDRs

Customers of Banco BTG Pactual who wish to invest in companies abroad now have the option to automatically follow the bank’s recommendations.

On Monday (19/7), BTG launched an automated recommended portfolio of BDRs – Brazilian Depository Receipts, which are certificates that represent shares of companies listed on stock exchanges in other countries, such as the NYSE and NASDAQ, combined. States in America.

According to the bank, the portfolio will provide the best investment opportunities abroad and will indicate ten BDRs every month. This month, companies like Disney, Apple and pharmaceutical company Pfizer are on the bank’s recommended list.

The selection is made by the bank’s team of analysts and strategists, based on a combined analysis of corporate fundamentals and the global economic scenario. “The portfolio aims to outperform BDRX, our main benchmark, the B3 benchmark for BDR,” BTG said.

Clients who invest in Automated Portfolios, with a minimum investment of R$25 thousand, have assets in their portfolio exchanged for each change in the Bank’s monthly recommendation.

For the month of July, the bank created a diversified portfolio consisting of 10 assets that are not directly related and with different characteristics.

In the portfolio, investors will find: BDRs of innovative, disruptive and high-growth companies that don’t look expensive; BDRs of large, internationally trusted, old economy companies benefiting from widespread COVID-19 vaccination; And some companies that are completely dependent on the performance of the US economy.

Check out the list of BDRs recommended by BTG below:

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*Featured Images: Playback/YouTube BTG

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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