Call of Duty veterans team up with PlayStation in new AAA series •

Call of Duty veterans team up with PlayStation in new AAA series •

Call of Duty series veterans Dave Anthony and Jason Blundell announced studio Deviation Games and collaborated with PlayStation to develop a new AAA in an original series.

As described by Divergence, this new property, developed in collaboration with Sony Interactive Entertainment, aims to offer something exciting, fresh and capable of winning over a community.

The game is already in development, even with the adversities of the COVID-19 pandemic making it difficult, but no specific highlights have been shared so far, only that the studio is looking to create an exciting experience. Will use what he has learned over the years and the team’s ambitions. They are right there in heaven and they are not afraid to say it.

Divergence Games has over 100 employees working around the world and believes the support of SIE is an incredible asset to help them with their first project.

Hermann Hulst, head of PlayStation Studios, left a welcome message for Divergence, saying that the new game is “a revolutionary new AAA intellectual property”.

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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