CDPR states that the new game will be EU5. why is it based on

CDPR states that the new game will be EU5.  why is it based on

In late March, CD Projekt Red confirmed that A new The Witcher is in production, This Tuesday (5th), during Display Following the launch of Unreal Engine 5, the Polish studio appeared to explain why the new game in the franchise would use a state-of-the-art graphics engine.

According to the developer’s CTO, Pawel Zawodny, the main reason for the engine change would be open world support, which “came to the company’s attention”. Jason Slama, responsible for the project, said that a demo he played in UE5 also helped him make that decision.

There was a demo last year of a medieval setting, where at one point there’s a bulletin board familiar with things we’ve done before. There was even a sign saying “We are looking for the monster killer”.

We were like, are they trying to tell us “come to Unreal Engine, see how great your games can look out there”? Was this whole demo made for that nefarious purpose? I don’t know, but it definitely got me.

Jacob Napik, VGX and Lighting’s art director at CDPR, noted that UE5 offers great development tools that enable “new things”.

The graphics engine consists of a toolbox containing many features and several existing solutions, allowing the team to try new things.

The medallion on the new The Witcher poster is from Escola do Lins

Later Several theories about the plot of the new The WitcherThe studio confirmed at the end of March, that the medal featured in the advertisement is of Escola do Lins. check details,

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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