China Announces Sanctions Against 28 Trump Administration Officials, Including Mike Pompeo – 1/20/2021 – World

China Announces Sanctions Against 28 Trump Administration Officials, Including Mike Pompeo – 1/20/2021 – World

China announced on Wednesday (20), Soon after the inauguration of Democrat Joe BidenNow former US President Donald Trump’s sanctions against 28 government officials, including his Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo.

In a statement, the Foreign Ministry said that in recent years, “some anti-China politicians in the United States, who are selfish and motivated by political interests against China (China), have angered and severely upset the Chinese people” Are “Relations between Washington and Beijing.

“China has decided to sanction 28 people who have severely violated China’s sovereignty,” the text continues.

In addition to Pompeo, Trump’s Commercial Adviser, Peter Navarro, National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien, former Asia and Pacific Affairs Secretary, David Stillwell, Secretary of Health Alex Azar and the United Nations (UN), Kyle Kraft. .

Beijing also approved Trump’s former national security adviser John Bolton and ex-distance aide and thinker Steve Bannon.

With the measure, this group, as well as their close family members, are banned from entering mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau. In addition, they are also prevented from doing business with the Asian country, as well as any company or institution associated with them.

At the Senate confirmation hearing on Tuesday (19), Antony Blinken, named Biden for Secretary of State, reinforced the anti-China speech.

“We must confront China from a position of strength, not weakness,” Blinken said, if approved, would occupy one of the most important positions in government, major US diplomacy.

However, Biden’s nominee did not rule out the possibility of working with mutual interests between Washington and Beijing.

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It is, according to him, “not to discredit allies” and is required to depart from international policies and institutions, “sowing the ground for China to write rules and norms” – to get the country out of global bodies Referring to Trump’s decisions. World Health Organization, and treatment, such as the Paris Agreement.

The diplomat also said that he believed Republicans were right to adopt a strict attitude towards China, only disagreeing with how this stance was handled.

Also on Tuesday, the Trump administration announced that China tightens the niggle on Uygar Muslims and other minorities in the Xinjiang region to “commit genocide and crimes against humanity” – a decision that imposes no automatic punishment on China, but pressure on countries and companies Puts. Stop doing business in the region, one of the largest global cotton suppliers.

Commenting on the matter, Blinken said that the United States should defend its democratic values ​​”when human rights are violated in Xinjiang” or “when democracy is trampled in Hong Kong”.

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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