China says rocket that hit the moon does not belong to Chang’e mission

China says rocket that hit the moon does not belong to Chang’e mission

The stage of an ancient rocket on its way to collide far side of the moon, not related to the vehicle used in the launch of the Chang’e 5 T1 mission. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Wenbin says so. According to him, the country’s monitoring shows that the upper stage belonging to the Chang’e 5 mission entered the Earth’s atmosphere and completely burned up.

Chang’e 5 T1 was a test mission for Chang’e 5, More ambitious and focused on the collection and return of lunar samples. Responding to a question about the rocket’s stage on its way to hit the Moon, Wang said, “China’s aerospace efforts are always in accordance with international law. We are committed to ensuring the long-term stability of rocket movements. Outer Space , and we are ready to exchange and cooperate with all parties”, he concluded.

The object is expected to hit the far side of the Moon in early March (Image: Reproduction/NASA)

Tracking data obtained by the United States Space Force’s 18th Space Control Squadron shows that the object designated “2014-065B” re-entered the atmosphere In 2015, that is, a year after its launch. If, on the one hand, it supports China’s claim, the data brings even more mystery to the nature of the object, which has attracted international attention in recent months.

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The issue also discusses space debris and how to track it – primarily because of the risks it poses to manned and unmanned spacecraft if a collision ends. In case of impact, which should occur in March, there is no risk to satellites and other spacecraft. those who study the moon,

How rockets were discovered on their way to the moon

In January, astronomer Bill Gray announced that an object identified as “WE0913A” was following a trajectory that will put you on the way to hit the moon on 4 March. Initially, they attached the object to a Falcon 9 rocket, which was launched by SpaceX in 2015. In early February, Gray revised his calculations and suggested that it was something different.

The Falcon 9 rocket during the launch of the DSCVR satellite in 2014 (Image: Reproduction/SpaceX)

Upon further analysis of the data, he realized that The object more closely matched the upper stage of the Long March 3C rocket, used in the launch of the Chang’e-5 mission in 2014 – at the time, he described these as “situational evidence” of the object’s nature. Details of object identification were supported by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). NASA,

According to the Center for Near Earth Object Studies at JPL, WE0913A was likely the rocket booster that launched the Chang’e 5T1 mission. Subsequently, spectral analysis by students at the University of Arizona appeared to confirm that the object, in fact, appeared to be from the China mission.

If, indeed, the object belongs to China, it indicates the scale of the challenges involved in monitoring objects in deep space – in his publications on WE0913A, Gray said that garbage monitoring Not a big concern in deep space, as the US Space Force is tasked with tracking objects in lower orbits.

Source: foreign Ministry, Via: space news

About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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