‘Clubs should be ashamed’

‘Clubs should be ashamed’

The plan for the European Super League, which was announced on Sunday with major clubs in England, Italy and Spain, was not approved by two legendary Manchester United idols: former coach Alex Ferguson and former striker Gary Neville. Both of them believed that this would be a violation of sporting traditions and would be against the sporting norm.

“Talking about the Super League is far from the 70 years of European club football. As a player of the Dunferline Provincial Team in the 1960s and the Aberdeen European Coaches Winners Cup winning coach for a small provincial club in Scotland In. It was like climbing Mount Everest, “compared to Ferguson, who later won two Champions League and thirteen Premier League editions for Manchester United.

“Everton are spending £ 500m to build a new stadium with the ambition to play the Champions League. Fans everywhere prefer this competition,” Ferguson said.

The idea of ​​the Super League is of 15 certain clubs as participants, regardless of their previous results. 12 clubs have already joined: six from England (Liverpool, Manchester United, Manchester City, Arsenal, Tottenham and Chelsea), three from Spain (Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid and Atlético de Madrid) and three Italians (Juntas, Milan and Inter Matching). Paris Saint-Germain refused to participate, as did Bayern Munich and other German clubs.

Gary Neville was even more enthusiastic. “I am not against the modernization of football competitions, we have the Premier League (English Championship), we have the Champions League. But bringing these offers in the midst of the Kovid epidemic in the midst of the economic crisis that exists for all.” Club This is a complete scam. United and the rest of the ‘big six’ who signed for it should be ashamed of themselves “said the former striker, now a commentator on TV channel Sky Sports.

“Does it have Arsenal? They just drew with Fulham, Manchester United are drawing with Burnley (they finished 3-1.) I can’t concentrate on the game. For the Super League during the season Signing is a joke, must. All take six points, criticized the former player.

Even the British government has spoken. The Culture Minister said, “Football fans are at the center of our national game and any major decision should support them. Along with many fans, we are concerned that the scheme will be a closed house at the top of our national game. Can cook. ” Oliver Dowden, from Britain. In France, the government commended PSG for not being involved in the project.

UEFA has promised to exclude players from clubs participating in the Super League from their tournaments, and those clubs from national teams from which they will be excluded from the World Cup. FIFA also spoke against the creation of the new competition, but called for talks between the clubs and UEFA.

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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