CNN presenter pays live Mico due to technical fault; watch | Gabriel Perline

CNN presenter pays live Mico due to technical fault;  watch |  Gabriel Perline
Breeding/CNN Brazil

Evandro Cini upset by technical glitch on CNN Novo Dia

Last Friday (first) a technical failure during the command of CNN Novo Dia put presenter Evandro Cini in a very tight skirt: while selecting a video on the interactive screen of CNN Brasil, the technical team made a mistake and asked lawyer Ricardo Baronovsky in the air turned live. The problem is that the way he entered the video was very curious. And it was almost bordering on embarrassment.

Cini selected the image of commentator Thais Arbeaux on the program screen to show his analysis of the vote on the Benefits PEC. Instead of the team automatically uploading the reporter’s video, footage from the neighboring studio, where Baronowski waited to make his live entry, went live.

The problem is that the lawyer was, shall we say, comfortable. He appeared with his back to the camera, his spine extended, and working with his cell phone on top of it. Fortunately, the device’s screen didn’t appear sharp on a larger screen, so viewers couldn’t see what it was doing.

Cini, rather embarrassed, also leaned back and said an “oops.” Furthermore, he extended his right hand towards the screen and looked straight at the technical team with a jittery face clearly at the failure. sight:

After a full performance of Thais Arbex’s analysis, the presenter resumed the speech and did not ignore the error, but tried to dispel the tension. “Baronowski initially appeared to be a bit swinging there, given the theme he would bring up in the next Freedom of Opinion, but then we managed to include Thais Arbeaux’s speech”, he remarked.

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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