Combat control | Jake Gyllenhaal to act in an action film by director of rescue Sam Hagrove

Combat control |  Jake Gyllenhaal to act in an action film by director of rescue Sam Hagrove

According to time limit, Jake Gyllenhaal Joined the cast of “Combat Control”, New action film by director Sam Haragway It tells the story of John Chapman, Combat Controller in the United States Air Force, and the posthumous winner of the Medal of Honor. MGM Studio Is negotiating to buy the rights to the facility.

Chapman was a military man who died in battle during a mission in Afghanistan on 4 March 2002, when he sacrificed himself so that his team could continue. But 15 years after his death, he discovered the gesture of a fighter controller in battle. Chapman received the Medal of Honor, the largest military award in the American War, on August 22, 2018, the first aviator to be decorated since the Vietnam War. “Combat Control” will accompany Air Force Captain Cora Alexander to investigate whether Chapman is a worthy recipient of the medal, despite being an eyewitness to his actions.

Jake Gnanalhal is known for his work in films “Donnie Darko”, “The Culture” I “The Brokeback Mountain Secret”, Later, which earned him an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor in 2006. The director responsible for the success of Sam Hagrove is Netflix “Racegate”, In addition to working as a stuntman in consecutive films “Atulkar” I “Avengers: Endgame”.

Gayenhal will be the executive producer of “Combat Control”, while Ron West and Shelby Malone will be the producers. Cora Alexander’s role is in the process of growth. The film has no premiere date yet.

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About the author: Will Smith

"Lifelong social media lover. Falls down a lot. Creator. Devoted food aficionado. Explorer. Typical troublemaker."

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