Controversial film about Celine Dion was applauded for 5 minutes at Cannes: Singer didn’t authorize biopic – Cinema News

Controversial film about Celine Dion was applauded for 5 minutes at Cannes: Singer didn’t authorize biopic – Cinema News

A film premiered at the Cannes Festival that tells the story of singer Celine Dion.

2021 edition Cannes Film Festival Clapping the audience: after Cheerleader for Brazilian feature Marinheiro das Montanhas It is on Warm welcome to The French Chronicle, which competes for the Palme d’Or, it was the turn of the Celine Dion biopic to receive a wave of applause which lasted no less than 5 minutes straight. The film named Aline made its debut at the event and has already come with some, at least, curious features.

who interprets celine dion The film stars French comedian Valerie Lemercier, who is also the director. “Despite being a huge fan of the singer”my heart Will Go On”, the filmmaker did not get the rights to produce the biopic – hence the name of the main character aline dieu (The sound already delivers, doesn’t it?) Despite the different names, the plot reproduces and dramatizes the trajectory of the artist’s life and career.

Rectangle Productions / GAUMONT / TF1 Films Production, De L’Huil / Productions Caramel Film Inc./PCF Aline Le Film Inc./Belga Productions

“The first thing I did was to deliver the script to her manager, who read it and said it was good for Céline, who didn’t make fun of her. The manager can see how much I love her, but Céline is something didn’t even want to study, she didn’t watch the film”, the actress and director said in an interview Variety.

Concentrating on the start of her musical career, Aline Dieu married her manager, at around age 30 – Céline Dion, who was married to producer René ngel from 1994 to 2016, when she died of cancer. During this period, the singer, who was born in Canada, moves to Las Vegas in the United States, where she worked most of the time.

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In her personal life, Aline lives a family drama: with a great desire to be a mother, the problem of infertility plagues the artist, until she eventually manages to become pregnant and have three children.

Rectangle Productions / GAUMONT / TF1 Films Production, De L’Huil / Productions Caramel Film Inc./PCF Aline Le Film Inc./Belga Productions

Another very peculiar detail about the film is that the lead actress, now 57 years old, has played Celine Dion in all stages of her life, from adolescence to adulthood. To this end, the production invested in visual and practical effects such as lighting and makeup.

Lastly, anyone who is a fan of the singer will definitely be able to hear her songs in the film, but not in her voice. “We acquired the rights to sing the songs in the film, but with French singer Victoria Sio. We listened to 50 singers and finally picked them up”, said Valerie Lemercier.

For a while, line up It still has no forecast for its Brazilian theatrical release.

About the author: Will Smith

"Lifelong social media lover. Falls down a lot. Creator. Devoted food aficionado. Explorer. Typical troublemaker."

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