Costa wishes Biden success and wants to reconnect relations with USA – economy

Costa wishes Biden success and wants to reconnect relations with USA – economy

Speaking in the European Parliament, in Brussels, the European Union, in the presentation of Costa’s Portuguese presidential primary, addressing what is the third priority of the semester – the aspect of foreign policy, “an EU open to the world” – , Recalled that there is a change in administration in Washington today, which hopes to open the door to a new transatlantic relationship with the United States.

“And on this day when President Joe Biden will assume office, I cannot fail to mention the need to address the votes of the greatest successes in his term and to resume increasingly close relations with the United States” , Namely in the field of climate, multilateralism, security, trade, and defense of digital, also declared a fight against Kovid-19.

In the context of Europe’s opening up to the world, Costa argues that Europe also needs to, of course, strengthen “strengthening, neighborhood partnerships, east and south, and strategic partnerships with the African continent.” needed. In addition to transatlantic relations with the United Kingdom, the United States, and Latin America.

The head of government also left a special term for the “new neighbor and old ally” United Kingdom, which left the union certain that day Portugal assumed its fourth presidential term of the Council of the European Union on January 1 Was.

“In particular, of course, the United Kingdom deserves a new neighbor and old ally, which will continue to be an important partner for the European Union,” said Costa, who will soon head to the European Parliament on the Trade and Cooperation Agreement Awaiting consent. Christmas Eve between the European Union and London.

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According to the Indo-Pacific, indicating the “main brand” of the Portuguese presidency would be to promote a close and strategic partnership between the two largest democratic countries in the world, the European Union and India, Costa recalls that the main What will be the event. Semester in terms of relations with third countries: “We will host the EU-India summit in Porto in May, which focuses on cooperation in the fields of digital, trade and investment, pharmaceuticals, science and space.”

The Portuguese Prime Minister reiterated that the European Union should strengthen its strategic autonomy, pointing out that, “as this epidemic has shown, Europe cannot rely solely on third party supplies of essential commodities, Nor in such broad value chains that they have high risk of interruption “.

“This is a very demanding debate because it includes industrial policy, competition policy and commercial policy at the same time”, he acknowledged, immediately noting that such “means neither a protectionist drift nor a miracle” Promotion can be «European champion» ”.

Finally, Costa made a point of mentioning that he classified it as “a central issue in Europe’s relations with the world: migration”, a subject which he acknowledges that there is no consensus among the 27.

“We are aware of the various sensibilities that exist. But migration has been a reality because there are humans on the planet. And it will remain so long as the human species manages to survive. It is also undeniable that its management A general European action is required. ” , Continue work on new treaties for migration and asylum, trying to find the right balance between its internal and external dimensions, without forgetting even legal migration. “

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Antonio Costa, as the Office of the President of the European Union Council, is in Brussels today arguing with the European Parliament, the Portuguese presidential preferences for the first half of the year.

Last Friday, less than a week after a European Commission college delegation led by President Ursula von der Leyen hosted a trip to Lisbon, and already at the time of launch, the European Council President Charles Mitchell . For the presidency, at the beginning of the month, Costa completes a round of institutional discussions with the European Parliament on the semester schedule.

At the end of the debate in Hemisike, Costa, von der Leyen and Sasoli will hold a joint press conference at 1 pm local time (12:00 Lisbon), followed by separate meetings with the two biggest leaders of the Prime Minister. European Parliament Bench, German Manfred Weber, President of the European People’s Party (PPE) group, and Spanish Ertex Garcia, Socialist and Democrat (S&D) group president.

Today, to meet the agenda of Antonio Costa’s visit to Brussels, a new meeting with Charles Mitchell at the council’s headquarters is scheduled at 17:00 local time.

Under the motto “Time to work: for a fair, green and digital recovery”, the Portuguese President of the European Union considers, by the end of June, as key priorities to overcome the economic and social crisis emanating from climate change. Huh. And Digital, the realization of the European pillar of social rights of the European Union and strengthening the world’s autonomy for Europe.

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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