Countries demand that the United Nations improve the human rights of indigenous peoples in the United States, Canada and Australia

Countries demand that the United Nations improve the human rights of indigenous peoples in the United States, Canada and Australia

According to the complaints, the rights of indigenous peoples to life, economy, culture, citizenship, politics and development were severely violated

china international radioDuring the 48th session of the UN Human Rights Council, the Permanent Delegations of China, Belarus, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and Venezuela convened a parallel video meeting on 27 in Geneva to expose the human rights violations of indigenous peoples. People in the United States, Canada and Australia.

On the occasion, diplomats and experts from China, Belarus, the DPRK and Venezuela, along with indigenous representatives from the United States, Canada and Australia, highlighted and criticized the crimes committed by the three countries against native peoples.

Minister Jiang Duan of China’s Permanent Delegation to Geneva said these countries had committed genocide and serious crimes against humanity. The rights to life, economy, culture, citizenship, politics and development of indigenous peoples were severely violated. In addition, according to Jiang Duan, many discriminatory laws and policies apply in these three countries, which hinder Indigenous political participation, medical treatment, education and employment. The human rights situation of these people is even worse in the context of the pandemic.

Diplomats from Russia, Belarus, the DPRK and Venezuela have criticized that the US, Canada and Australia have always presented themselves as examples of human rights, but in reality they have major problems on the issue.

Indigenous representatives also condemned the conduct and crimes of the three countries and demanded compensation.

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Translation: Louis Zhao
Review: Diego Goulart

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