Dark Souls 3 fixes a 60fps as the first Xbox series • Eurogamer.pt

Dark Souls 3 fixes a 60fps as the first Xbox series • Eurogamer.pt

The software helped Xbox achieve this feat.

Xbox has officially confirmed that Dark Souls 3 has been updated on the Xbox series to become compatible with FPS boost functionality.

Continuing its work to deliver improvements from the previous generation of games on its latest machines, often with quality that most seems to be remastered (in instant format and at no additional associated cost), Xbox continues to deliver gaming Dark Souls 3 at 60fps. software to enable it.

After Xbox announced the new FPS Boost compatible Dark Souls 3 to run at 60 fps on the Xbox series, Jason Ronald said it required a new technology.

“Many thanks to our partners and Bandai Namco for their help and support with the software,” Ronald said.

Keeping Dark Souls 3 at 60fps required the help of the game’s creators and the results are now at your fingertips, whether on the Xbox Series S or the more powerful Series X.

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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