Deborah Falabella says about the identity with a film character, ‘I have a crisis of anxiety’

Deborah Falabella says about the identity with a film character, ‘I have a crisis of anxiety’

In her most recent work, the actress Deborah Falabella “After the Crazy I’m Me”, a character inspired by the author, is interpreted in the film Tati Bernardi. In an exclusive interview with Official, She also talked about the second season of “Arunas”, The Environment, a topic that will be addressed in the series, new projects, women in cinema and philosophies about a healthy mind and the passage of time.

“Later I’m Crazy”

“In the film, not only are these issues addressed, because he is a hypochondriac or has an OCD, he suffers from anxiety attacks and had episodes of panic syndrome,” he said.

“I identified myself because I am also an anxious person, although I don’t seem to be, because I am so quiet, I already had a few episodes of anxiety crisis, I recognized myself because I was unhappy about the subject. Could speak to someone forbidden, “he said.

“We raised the issue and talked as if someone was going through it, as if no one had ever had an anxiety attack, as if no one had lived with these issues related to mental health, especially nowadays. I myself Identified in that sense, being able to talk about the things that often haunt me and haunt me openly and even with a certain mood ”, he said.

“We actors don’t look for characters to highlight their weaknesses, we look for characters because we’re interested in them, in their story, because we want to play them and to be challenging, fun, and Dani. It was the case with .. We try to highlight our weaknesses in front of our therapists, in our intimacy, of course, interesting characters are very human, they often have fragility and questions that bother us. , But I don’t try to play a character for her “, replied the actress.

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It is a pleasure to record the second season of “Arunas”, the first had a very strong impact as it relates to urgent issues. The issue of the environment, discussed for a long time by just a few below, interested a lot of people Was not, and it is about our existence, our future, the future of our children, it is a matter that is more than urgent. We cannot live and worry on this planet, and the second season is pollution. We will talk about something else, it is located in São Paulo, it is a very important thing that we open our eyes for reasons that usually go unnoticed and we do not accuse society and government. That’s why this series is so important, because through entertainment it can arouse the desire to question many people. ”


“This is an issue that we cannot even discuss because the way the current government deals with environmental issues is shameful. We have an environment minister and a president who look at the issue in a completely destructive and embarrassing way, ”he said.

“Of course, before this government, Brazil needed to look more carefully, we have been suffering from deforestation for a long time, we never saw the right way, we never paid attention to where we should, but We are living in a frightening moment in environmental management ”, he said.

new projects

“I’m recording ‘Arunas’ until July, in the cinema I have a film I shot last year in Ushuaia in Argentina, which is spoken in Spanish, which should be released later this year. And In the theater, all the shows from the group ‘3D Teatro’ were adapted to the online format, which was very laborious, but we performed this repertoire to celebrate the group’s 15 years of completion. Showing a list of people, but ‘Group 3’ plans have been held up a bit due to the epidemic. We have several seizures that were scheduled, and we had to postpone, a possible tour in Portugal, but right now For we have been stopped ”, he lamented.

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Oscar 2021

“The Oscar award this year was very beautiful, it was very diverse, our two directors were competing. These changes have been going on for some time, especially in the United States, it’s strong, and I think its very well Obey, I am a woman, I have been working for a long time, in recent years more than half of the team where I am working is female, it really did not happen in a while, we ourselves and our children Want equality and change for life ”.

Healthy Mind

“Maintaining purity is a daily task, because we are locked at home, our children are studying at home, we are often unable to do our work, mainly due to the state of the country, which has caused great stress. , It is very difficult to go through what we are doing, we see a lot of news in our country, a lot is happening, and it is impossible to go through it in a calm way. But at the same time, we need to survive , We need to follow, have the strength to fight. I try to take care of myself, I try to read the information I really need, keep working, spend fun moments, good I try to see things, but this is a daily struggle ”, he philosophized.

passage of time

“This fast-paced world has been very harmful to us in every way, and when I say this to us, I also talk to our environment about how we deal with things, with money, our mental and physical health Even with. I think the apparent epidemic has opened up a lot of people’s eyes to some issues, but it’s not that this is the solution, we should really start thinking outside the box, a little more about the collective. Must think. Important. About time, I see that sometimes we miss a lot, because we don’t enjoy the present, the moments we have, the joy, the joy. We always think about the result. I think, and the epidemic gives us a general sense of finiteness, I look at the issue of how to make the most of time, how to enjoy life and time, in a healthy way, to respect each other “, He concluded.

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About the author: Will Smith

"Lifelong social media lover. Falls down a lot. Creator. Devoted food aficionado. Explorer. Typical troublemaker."

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