Despite pressure, Brazil does not agree to ban on American beef

Despite pressure, Brazil does not agree to ban on American beef

Despite pressure from American producers, the Brazilian government considers it unlikely that the United States will suspend imports of fresh beef from Brazil.

Assessment shared by sources close to the US government who have been consulted CNN Brasil, for which this is an internal issue, has little chance of success at this point in time.

The increase in the purchase of meat from other countries will hurt local producers. Following China’s ban on Brazilian beef, which lasted more than two months, the NCBA (National Cattlemen’s Beef Association), one of the main bodies of beef producers in the United States, demanded a suspension from the United States Department of Agriculture. the requested.

In a public note, the argument used by the manufacturer’s organization was that, given the cases of mad cow registered in Brazil, it is necessary to re-evaluate the safety of the sanitary procedures adopted by the Brazilian government.

“It is time to keep fresh Brazilian meat out of this country until the Department of Agriculture confirms that Brazil meets the same consumption and food safety standards that we apply to all of our trading partners. ,” said Ethan Lane, the unit’s vice president. an official note.

Despite a request made by the US entity, the Brazilian government has not yet been sued by the United States. An assessment by the Ministry of Agriculture is that the suspension of Brazilian meat is unlikely at this time given the increased imports of the product by the US government.

The ministry claims that it complies with all hygiene measures and protocols required for meat imports. As of September of this year, according to data from Abrafrigo (Brazilian Association of Frigorificos), the United States was the second largest importer of Brazilian beef, behind only China, our largest buyer in the world.

Due to two unusual cases of mad cow disease in Brazilian slaughterhouses, China stopped importing Brazilian beef in September. Following the episode, the Brazilian government reported that there were isolated cases of animals that were not sold and did not pose any risk of infection.

Still, despite gestures made by the Chinese government in October to resume commercial activity in the short term, there is no forecast for the Asian country to resume purchases of the product.

Expectations Heard by Chinese Diplomats CNN Brasil Whether that trade will resume by the end of January is considered optimistic by members of the Brazilian government.

zero tariff

On Wednesday (17) Agriculture Minister Tereza Cristina informed that Russia will create zero tariffs on animal protein imports for six months. According to him, a quota of 300 thousand tons was opened, of which 200 thousand tons were beef and 100 thousand tons of pork.

According to CNN Brasil They learned from the Brazilian government, in order to comply with the new quota, Brazilian meatpackers need to show interest to the Russian government and submit a proposal to comply with the quota with zero import duties.

Last year, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, Brazil exported 58,000 tonnes of beef to Russia. The country is one of the ten largest buyers of Brazilian meat.

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About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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