Diogo Zopi’s book nominated for international award

Diogo Zopi’s book nominated for international award


“Aquatic Marathon: From swimming pool to open water” competes at the WOWSA Awards; Voting is online and continues until the 31st

By Rodrigo Alonso

On 13 January 2021 at 07:34. Last update on 13 January 2021 at 08:56 pm

The book “Aquatic Marathon: From swimming pools to open water” by American Diogo Zopi is one of the nominees for the 2020 Waves (World Open Water Swimming Association) Award, which is in the “Offer of the Year” category (Contribution of the Year) .

It is an annual award, which highlights swimming in open water. The list of contestants was released by the association last Thursday.

Works in the “Offer of the Year” category and the winner is chosen by popular vote – Photo: Disclosure

“This is the biggest recognition of water marathon sports worldwide,” Joppi is 35 years old.

The winner will be chosen by popular vote. To vote for the American book, the interested party needs to access the link openwaterswimming.com/contestants/maratona-aquatica By the next 31st.

An ultramarathon runner and swimming instructor, the author began work in October 2020 with the aim of disseminating knowledge about the sport. Available on site blogaguasabertas.com.br/nosso-livroThe work has 267 pages and 15 chapters.

The material describes how to get started in the game and the transition from training in swimming pools to open water through specific exercises, until reaching competitions.

The author also highlights issues related to nutrition and mental health. It also addresses environmental care on the beaches. He started production in 2014. “Nurture and sustainability are chapters counted on staff participation”, he reported.

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In all, there are 22 applicants for the WOWSA Award in the “Offer of the Year” category. All are products or services that positively affect sports.

Zoppi’s book is the only exclusively Brazilian candidate. He competes with productions from ten other countries: Germany, Argentina, Australia, Spain, United States, Ireland, Israel, Japan, United Kingdom and Russia.

Jopi has earned at least 20 years of experience as an athlete and coach. In 2019, he became the youngest swimmer to face Pontal Crossing from 36 km of Lem. Last year, in Brasilia, he won the general title of the Jacano Challenge. The race was 32 km away.

“I think there is always a challenge, there is always something special about every crossing. I train, I concentrate. Therefore, I finish it.

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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