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Agency brazil

IBGE: The 2021 crop should surpass the 2020 record

The national grain crop should reach another record, a third consecutive year this year, with 260.5 million tonnes, a 2.5% increase over 2020. This information is in the Systematic Survey of Agricultural Production (LSPA), released today (13), by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). According to IBGE, the final estimate of production of cereals, legumes and oilseeds in 2020 was 254.1 million tonnes. Soy remains on growth: Initial estimates of 129.7 million tonnes indicate an increase in production of 6.8% (8.2 million tonnes) over the previous year and 1.5% about the second pregnancy released in December. For corn, on the other hand, a decrease of 1.5% (less 1.5 million tonnes) is expected in relation to 2020, although an increase of 1.6% compared to the previous estimate. “Due to the higher compensatory prices of soy in relation to corn, growers are encouraged to expand their areas of oilseed cultivation, accounting for 57% of the total area used for grain planting in the country in 2021 Should represent more “. Said, in a note, agricultural analyst at IBGE, Carlos Barradas. According to the survey, after three years of record, vegetarian cotton production should reach 6.1 million tonnes, with a decrease of 0.6% in relation to second prognosis and 14% in relation to harvesting. In 2020. The vegetarian cotton crop was growing to meet international demand. But cotton is mainly used for making clothes and, with the Kovid-19 epidemic, this demand has fallen, affecting the decision to plant the next crop, ”said Baradas. For rice, this third estimate of 11 million tonnes points to a 0.8% increase in production in relation to the previous forecast, but still a 0.8% drop in relation to 2020. “In recent months, rice prices have reached a high level, forcing the government to zero import tariffs to import them. The Rio Grande do Sul accounts for about 70% of national production, and its crops. Is irrigated and is associated with high technology and proper management, allowing for higher productivity ”, said the analyst. The 2020 crop was a 2020 grain crop of 254.1 million tonnes and was also a record. As per the final estimate of the year, it was 5.2% (12.6 million tonnes) higher than the 2019 crop (241.5 million tonnes). Rice, maize and soy accounted for 92.7% of the total production and 87.1% of the harvested area. In, production was increased by 7.1% for soybeans, 7.7% for rice, 2.7% for maize (2.3% in first crop and 2.8% in first. Second) and 2.8% for vegetarian cotton fields. , The following distribution is shown in the quantity of production of cereals, legumes and oilseeds: center-west, with 121.7 million tonnes (47.9%); south, with 73 million tonnes (28.8%); 25.7 million tonnes (10 .1%) with Southeast; Northeast, with 22.6 million tonnes (8.9%) and in the north, with 11 million tonnes (4.3%). According to IBGE, the state of Mato Grosso is the largest national grain producer with a 28.7% share, followed by Parana (15.9%), Rio Grande Doe (10.3%), Goise (10.3%). %), Mato Grosso do Sul (8.7%) and Minas Gerais (6.2%), together representing 80.1% of the national total.

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About the author: Will Smith

"Lifelong social media lover. Falls down a lot. Creator. Devoted food aficionado. Explorer. Typical troublemaker."

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