Elden Ring’s 30-second gameplay leaked to the internet

Elden Ring’s 30-second gameplay leaked to the internet

If you are looking forward to playing elden ring And can’t wait to get your hands on the game and check out some of its gameplay, maybe a little leaked gameplay will help quench some of your thirst?

Today (16) the internet went down within 30 seconds of a game running on Xbox One. Obviously developer content from software is taking off the air pretty quickly, so stay tuned to your feed and don’t be fooled!


Originally, the leak was identified by Forum Resetera, which can be a good source for finding new links. With very few movements of the protagonist it is not possible to draw great conclusions from these images, but certainly the open world appears to be quite vast and interesting, with potentially many alternative routes and opportunities to discover mysteries.

The jumping mechanic seems like a welcome addition, as there are several steep cliffs on the mountain in this video. Without a doubt, this is something that Speedrunners on Duty would love to try to find the fastest way to clear the scene. Novices will probably appreciate the presence of a compass at the top of the screen to help them navigate.

The video is already circulating widely on Twitter, but there’s no guarantee it’ll be on air for long. In any case, try to find elden ring In the social network search field and you will find the content quickly too!

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Are you looking forward to the game’s release on January 21st, 2022 on PC, PlayStation 5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One? What did you think of this leak? comment below!

About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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