EU focuses on a greener and more sustainable economy for Angola

EU focuses on a greener and more sustainable economy for Angola

The European Union ambassador in Angola said in an interview with LUSA that funds are currently underway for the coming years.

To date, more than EUR 130 million has been allowed under the European Development Fund and they are now “working with the plan for the next six to seven years,” Seppen said.

Without giving details about the budget, Jeanette Seppan indicated that financial programming would serve a “more sustainable, more flexible economy to support Angola towards Greyoner” and should start implementing it in the first half of this year.

The partnership with Angola derives from the so-called “joint path”, the broad framework on which institutional relations between the European bloc and the African country are based, and which includes political, economic and social aspects.

The European Union’s support for economic diversification and, currently, the fight against the Kovid-19 epidemic, are among important topics, for example, programs aimed at good governance and human security, with the aim of institutional capacity building or in food vulnerability for families. As is currently happening in southern Angola due to drought.

Pointing to an economic partnership with the SADC (Southern African Community), the European Ambassador stated, “The work we do is aimed at the most direct beneficiaries to an institutional framework, which integrates Angola into international and regional trade Involve ministries to support. ” Whose accession process is supported by the European Union as an example.

In this context, training programs are being developed at the ministerial level on a “broad” theme to reduce dependence on the oil sector and develop the agro-industrial sector.

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Jeanette Seppen said that any reform “takes a long time” to appear, but “things are moving forward” and that the EU’s programs are also about moving as soon as possible.

“We are in a very difficult time to attract investors, but we are confident in the process and we will continue to help Angola get out of this crisis situation,” he said.

Another area that gives priority to the European Union is combating the Kovid-19 epidemic, in which European authorities “continue to show all the solidarity” that the disease has shown.

“Last year, the European Union already provided 20 million euros of budget support for efforts to fight the epidemic and donated biosecurity materials and is also an important partner in Kovacs, of which Angola is a part”, European Emphasized the Union Ambassador.

Jeanatte Seppen said the Angolan government was negotiating a loan of 50 million euros with the European Investment Bank (EIB) to respond to the epidemic, which could include the purchase of vaccines, stressing that “The partnership remains solid, maintaining high. Level meeting, albeit virtual.

At the United Nations (UN) last week’s postponement of the United Nations (UN) transition from a least advanced country to Angola, with European approval, the ambassador said the current situation, given the category of escalation “in the coming years.” Did not seem to be the best solution. ”

“That is why the European Union supported Angola’s request to postpone this situation for three years. We will continue our dialogue with the government to see how we best use these three years Can, so that when we meet in 2024 it can graduate. ” , “Jeanette Seppen said.

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The United Nations General Assembly on Thursday accepted a proposal to extend Angola’s rise from the List Developed Country category to 2024, with the United Nations, the European Union and the United States reiterating support for the country.

Angola’s category increase was set for February 2021, but has now been postponed for three years, due to the country’s socioeconomic vulnerability, the difficulties faced by the Kovid-19 epidemic many times, “persistently recurring economic Recession ”and lack of economic diversification.

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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