Facebook Messenger | What does the blank circle mean in your conversation? empty circle | Applications | Smartphone | NDA | nanny | Play play

Facebook Messenger |  What does the blank circle mean in your conversation?  empty circle |  Applications |  Smartphone |  NDA |  nanny |  Play play

Have you ever received an empty circle from what you sent? Here we explain to you. Use messaging app of many people Over WhatsApp, as in the United States. In that country, the program is popular enough to handle all kinds of conversations, even sending photos, videos and documents in high quality.

However, when we send a message, it is sometimes surrounded by a white circle. Do you know what it really means and why a little arrow doesn’t come out or the lead turns? Well, there are some reasons which we will explain below.

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as you know is a platform from where you can chat with all your friends added in social network. But not only that, you also have the possibility to write off and even automatically buy a certain company.

What do blank circles mean on Facebook Messenger?

If your message was left with a blank or transparent circle on Facebook Messenger, then you must know that there are some details behind it. Your text may not have been sent due to various problems. Here we detail them:

no Internet connection

One reason why a message is left with a blank or transparent circle on one side is because your cell phone or laptop does not have an Internet connection and, therefore, your text is waiting to be reconnected to the network. For this you can use your data or your WiFi. Check if everything is in order on your cell phone or laptop.

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Do you know why your messages on Facebook Messenger are left with a blank circle? (Photo: Facebook)

facebook is down

Another problem why your Facebook Messenger message stays with an empty circle is because Facebook is crashing and as a result, texts, photos, videos or documents cannot be sent anywhere in the world.

they blocked you

Another reason why your message cannot be sent and remain with an empty circle is because the other person has decided to block you on Facebook and as a result, you cannot send notifications.

About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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