Fed wants rapid stimulus reduction amid “worrisome” inflation levels, says Bullard – poca Negócios

Fed wants rapid stimulus reduction amid “worrisome” inflation levels, says Bullard – poca Negócios

Federal Reserve Building (Photo: Tom Williams/Getty Images)

The current high level of inflation may not be as low as many government officials said. federal Reserve Wait, St. Louis Fed Chairman James Bullard said on Thursday, once again urging the US central bank. America To rapidly reduce your bond-buying program.

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“I think it’s worrying,” Bullard said at the Euro 50 group’s virtual meeting on inflation. “While I do think there is some chance that this will end naturally over the next six months, I would not say it is such a strong possibility that we can count on it to happen.”

Bullard said he only sees a 50% chance for each scenario.

The Fed indicated on Wednesday that it may begin reducing its support for the US economy in mid-November amid rising inflation concerns, and said the process of cutting its bond-buying program would last until mid-year. He comes.

Bullard said he would like to end the gradual easing of stimulus by the first quarter of 2022, as it would allow the central bank to raise interest rates sooner than expected if inflation remains uncomfortably high.

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About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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