Flavia Viana and Marcelo Zangrandi celebrate 4 months with their son Gabriel

Flavia Viana and Marcelo Zangrandi celebrate 4 months with their son Gabriel

Flavia Viana, Marcelo Zangrandi and his entire family dressed to celebrate Gabriel’s 4 months

It’s party day Flavia Viana I Marcelo Jungrandi! This is because this Saturday, 16, the couple’s son, Gabriel, this Completion of 4 months of life.

To celebrate the date, The family decided to organize a theme party for everyone, including Disney’s Incredibles and Flavia’s first daughter, Sabrina, Entered the game, put on special costumes of the main characters of the feature.

The affected person published a video where they appear everyday in clothes and as if by magic everyone becomes the hero of the plot.

In legend, He took the opportunity to declare himself for the boy: “The 4 months that our family completed and became even more incredible! Gabriel, my son! God bless you, blind you and keep it forever! We love you infinitely. Mesovario is Family Day ‘morfar’acceptamos theme for next month

Marcello also published family records wearing costumes and honored his son: “Incredibly today is an incredible boy’s Messavario! Incredible 4 months of this difficult man!

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Last login: 16 January 2021 – 17:56:51 (374020).

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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