Florianopolis’s young tennis player won a scholarship in the United States and wants to follow in the footsteps of Guga Kuerten. Sneakers

Florianopolis’s young tennis player won a scholarship in the United States and wants to follow in the footsteps of Guga Kuerten.  Sneakers

Manezinho da Ilha, Avaí supporter, tennis player … Guga Kuerten? It may be, but it is another caterinance that has excelled in modalities. At the age of 15, Eduardo Niederle de Abreu e Menezes is considered a prodigy of tennis in Santa Catarina. Born in Florianopolis, currently on the Guga tennis team, Dudu started in sports at the age of four, went on to perform at the age of nine, and now at Ross School in East Hampton (USA) for a high school scholarship has been chosen. ) To transition to professional.

Initially there was little hope of getting scholarship, because it was very difficult to meet, but then everything went well. The idea is to graduate from high school and become a professional. If that’s not possible, I’ll go to college there, because it opens up more doors in sports – he commented.

Dudu Niederle is part of the Guga Tennis Team – Photo: Personal Collection

The young athlete has certain characteristics that assimilate him to Brazilian tennis idol Guga Cuerton. In addition to being trained at the same club and being part of the tennis player’s team, Dudu will be coached by Larry Passos, who was Guga’s coach among his main achievements.

Doodoo, when small, and Guga Kuerten – Photo: personal collection

If Googa had only a coach as Larry as a professional, Doodoo would have the experience of a former tennis player who is still in transition during high school.

– It will turn my life upside down, I will keep doing the same thing, studying and training, but with different people, with Larry. It will be an unforgettable experience. I think it will be great, he is a very experienced coach and it will definitely be very good. They have already said that he is very tough and likes to do a lot of training, so that the athlete can give his full doodoo.

A trip to the United States is scheduled for the coming months. Even with a partnership with Escola Guga Kuerten, with a scholarship in the United States, the athlete still seeks sponsorship and support to cover the rest of the costs.

New Guga? Doodoo Niddler will be training with Larry Passos in the United States

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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