Fraud prevention is a top business concern in e-commerce

Fraud prevention is a top business concern in e-commerce

Fraud prevention is one of the main concerns of companies operating in Brazil e-commerce. Experian consulting firm’s Global Fraud and Identity Survey shows that 62% of surveyed Brazilian businesses want to increase investment in the sector.

According to the survey, this is also a matter of concern for Brazilian consumers. The risk of theft of credit card information was the most commonly cited item in the country. In the United States, for example, there is a greater focus on online privacy and in the United Kingdom it cares more. fake news or false advertising. The survey covers countries in North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia-Pacific.

In Brazil, participating companies also indicate a willingness to increase internal support staff for digital operations. On a global average, which includes ten countries, the survey shows the focus is to invest in advanced analytics and artificial intelligence.

Experian’s study shows that the presence of consumers in online channels has increased significantly with the pandemic. An example is the increase in the percentage of customers over 40 who have started using using. Internet banking. It was 33% before the pandemic and 38% in January 2021. The same age group began ordering more food and shopping online, a 10 percentage point increase over the same period.

The survey also shows that companies are struggling to meet the growing demand. Nine out of ten businesses analyzed said they had a digital customer journey strategy in place, with nearly half (47%) of whom implemented the measure in the pandemic.

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However, this effort doesn’t seem to be enough for the consumer. The text of the survey said, “This is a continuation of the trend we reported in 2019, when 95% of companies said they had resolved the validation problem, but 55% of customers reported that they still needed recognition.” not received.”

a post Prevention of fraud in e-commerce is a major concern of companies first appeared in digital diary.

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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