G20 demonstrated ‘the power of America when it comes to compromise’, says Biden – 10/31/2021

G20 demonstrated ‘the power of America when it comes to compromise’, says Biden – 10/31/2021

ROME, 31 October 2021 (AFP) – US President Joe Biden said on Sunday (31) that the G20 summit in Rome, which is dedicated to fighting the pandemic and climate change, “demonstrated the power of the United States when it was committed”.

The G20 has yielded “tangible” results on the climate, the pandemic and the economy, added Donald Trump’s successor at the White House, with developed countries approving an international tax reform promoted by Biden.

“What we have seen here is the power of the United States when it engages and works with our allies,” he said. “Nothing replaces face-to-face dialogue for global cooperation,” he said.

For the US president, during the two-day meeting in the Italian capital it was possible to achieve “concrete results partly because of the commitment the United States has placed on the table”.

Biden took the opportunity to criticize his great rivals, the Russian and Chinese presidents, who participated in the videoconference and who “didn’t show themselves” to “take on climate commitments”.

The 20 most developed countries have pledged to limit global warming to 1.5 °C and reduce coal use compared to the pre-industrial era, but have not set an exact date for carbon neutrality.

Despite Biden’s defence, many NGOs and even some political leaders recognize that the G20 has not made much progress in the fight against climate change, on the same day that the United Nations Climate Conference (COP26) begins in Glasgow. Is.


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About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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