G7 calls for Russian action against cybercrime – small business big business

G7 calls for Russian action against cybercrime – small business big business

The G7, a grouping of the world’s seven most industrialized countries, on Sunday (13/06) demanded that Russia take action against those who carry out cyberattacks and use ransomware from the country. Ransomware is an attack that restricts access to infected systems with a type of lock and takes a ransom in cryptocurrency so that access can be re-established.

Cyber ​​attack, hacker (Photo: Reuters)

The rebuke came in a statement issued after a three-day summit between Britain’s G7 leaders, calling on Moscow to “stop its destabilizing behavior and lethal activities” and to investigate the use of chemical weapons in Russian territory.

The statement added that Russia “needs to hold accountable those who, within its borders, carry out ransomware attacks, misuse virtual currencies for money laundering and other cyber crimes.”

The issue is in the limelight after a virtual attack on the Colonial Pipeline, the largest fuel pipeline in the United States, and another that disrupted JBS Slaughter’s US and Australian operations.

G7 Note calls for comprehensive action against cyber attacks. “We call on states to identify and disrupt criminal ransomware networks operating from within their borders, and to hold these networks accountable for their actions,” the document said.

The request for an investigation into the use of chemical weapons came after Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny met in Germany after German doctors reported it was poisoned with a nerve agent of military use. Navalny accused Putin of poisoning, but the Kremlin denied the allegations.

G7 leaders slammed China over human rights in Xinjiang, called for a high degree of autonomy for Hong Kong and called for a thorough investigation into the origins of COVID-19.

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After discussing how to reach a unified position on China, the leaders issued a final statement on issues sensitive to the country.

US President Joe Biden sees China as the biggest strategic rival and has vowed to confront Chinese economic abuses and respond to human rights violations.

“We will promote our values, which include respecting human rights and fundamental freedoms from China, in particular with respect to Xinjiang and the rights, freedoms and high levels of autonomy for Hong Kong,” the G7 said.

“We also called for Phase 2 of a transparent, expert-led, science-based study of the origins of Covid-19 in China,” said the group, which together covered the US, France, UK, Germany, Italy, Japan brings. Canada and the European Union.

Before criticism of the G7 surfaced, China warned G7 leaders that the days of “small” groups of countries deciding the fate of the world are gone.

The G7 also said that it “highlights the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and encourages peaceful resolution of problems in the Strait”.

The G7 said it is concerned about forced labor in global supply chains, including in the agriculture, solar and apparel sectors.

Beijing has retaliated against attempts by Western powers to control China, saying that even after years of humiliating China, many major powers still dominate the old imperialist mindset.

Experts and human rights groups estimate that more than a million people, including Uighurs and other Muslim minorities, have been detained in a vast system of camps in Xinjiang in recent years.

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China denies allegations of forced labor or abuse. At first he denied that the camps existed. Then he said that they are commercial centers built to fight extremism.

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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