Globo has been convicted of sexism with former presenter

Globo has been convicted of sexism with former presenter

globe Journalist Carina Pereira was ordered to pay more than R$1 million. The former presenter of Minas Gerais’s Globo Esporte filed a lawsuit alleging she faced moral harassment by her former boss. In the verdict, the judge accused the broadcaster of sexism.

“Na Telinha” had exclusive access to the document. The judge held Globo responsible for the fact that these cases took place on the premises of the company. In addition, the magistrate also highlighted the importance of these functions, including those of women rendering services to the company. The decision is still under appeal.

– It is clear that in an environment marked by sexism, the defendant’s corporate posture […] This is necessary and commendable, given the importance of Grupo Globo, due to its size and social capillary – declared the judge.

– However, the mission will not be accomplished if, in the absence of spectators, behind the scenes, studios, newsrooms and reports, the defendant does not, in fact, guarantee the protection of its employees and its employees against offensive and discriminatory acts states that violate such coveted values ​​to promote diversity in their ‘compliance’ manuals and policies, as set forth in the defence – he said.

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Carina Pereira was the presenter of Globo Esporte in Minas Gerais. She left Globo in January 2021, and sued the station for being bullied by her former boss. She also filed a lawsuit alleging overtime, night shifts, vacations, bonuses and profit sharing.

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About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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