Google also collected data in anonymous browsing, US judge said. Technology

Google also collected data in anonymous browsing, US judge said.  Technology
Unplash / Charles Deluvio

Incognito browsing continues to collect data

At a hearing in San Jose, California on Thursday (25), US District Judge Lucy Koh said she was “upset” Collect data
That Google
Performs from its users. Analyzing a collective lawsuit, he concluded that the promise of private navigation secret
They are nothing more than a strategy. Information is from Bloomberg.

The suit seeks to compensate US $ 5,000 for each of those millions of users Secluded
Has been committed since June 2016. The judge is famous for questioning the veterans of the country. silicon Valley

In this process, Google
The users are alleged to be tracking private browsing history. Copies of that information will be sent to the technology giant’s server.

The attorney representing the action, Amanda Bonn, stated that the anonymous browsing mode gives the impression that users have more control over them The dice
Which, in practice, is not true.

On the other hand, Google defends it by saying that it makes it clear that anonymous browsing data is not visible to others using the same device, but to websites and Internet providers visited.

For now, clarification was sought from the judge’s decision Google
. “I want a statement from Google about what information they are collecting about the users of the court website and what they use,” Koh told the company’s lawyers.

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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