New Delhi. Google Meet has started rolling out Live Translated Captions widely. It has been started after testing the feature. If the meeting is conducted by a user in beta or eligible Google Workspace Edition, meeting participants will be able to use live translated captions. The live translated captions beta will be open for the next several months, the company said in a blogpost.
can translate
Therefore, if you are participating in beta with Google Workspace Edition, which is not listed as available above, your experience will remain the same, according to the statement. Meeting participants can translate English meetings into French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.
Will translate into English in so many languages
This will help in making video conferencing with overseas customers, partners, students and employees more smoothly. According to a report, the tech giant recently started testing Live Translated Captions, which is a step up from Meet’s standard Live Captions. It will initially support meetings held in English, which will be translated into Spanish, French, Portuguese and German.
This feature can be especially helpful for all types of meetings or training meetings with teams globally. Additionally, translated captions can be effective in education settings, allowing teachers to connect and interact with students, parents, and community stakeholders from diverse backgrounds. This feature is available for meetings organized by Google Workspace Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Education Plus and Teaching and Learning Upgrade users.