Hackers are easy prey with many alerts ignored by the US – Economy

Hackers are easy prey with many alerts ignored by the US – Economy

The attack on the colonial pipeline last week was particularly an insult. It not only halted fuel distribution on the East Coast, but also followed an initiative by President Joe Biden’s government to take action against cybercrime, particularly ransomware, in which hackers remotely disabled a computer system Are and demand payment. Colonials were killed on the 37th day of the 60-day project of the Department of Homeland Security to address these attacks.

The government campaign is the latest in a long series of cyber strategies introduced by presidents and lawmakers from both sides to fight hackers. Over the years, security experts have made concrete recommendations to governments, businesses and other organizations to prevent cyber attacks, but these are often ignored or ignored due to more pressing concerns.

“If we have to stop this plague, there must be a different way of addressing these issues,” he said. Philip renner, Director of the Institute of Security and Technology. Reiner’s group recently filed 48 actions that the Biden government and the private sector can take against ransomware.

The colonial pipeline stalled for a third consecutive day on Monday as fuel suppliers worried about the possibility of a shortage of gasoline and diesel on the east coast of the United States. The company said on Monday that the pipeline could resume operations by the end of the week.

Although Biden recently imposed sanctions on Russia for the attack on Solarwinds, threats of retaliation or prosecution by the United States have had little effect, at least so far. Many criminal hackers live in countries that ignore them or secretly admit their behavior. Actions to punish state-sponsored hacker groups – including sanctions and lawsuits – have had little effect in reducing attacks.

The list of recent cyber attack targets shows the sophistication and courage of hackers. In government, victims include the Department of Homeland Security, the Office of the Attorney General of Illinois, and even the Police Department of the Capital Washington. In the private sector, hackers have infiltrated major technology companies such as Microsoft, cybersecurity company FireI, Scripps Health, and even the NBA’s Houston Rockets basketball team.

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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