How Anonymous Attacked President, Army and Senate Pages

How Anonymous Attacked President, Army and Senate Pages

The attacks had two consequences: The first was the most obvious, which was the collapse of the pages, While the other was the intrusion and theft of data such as email and passwords as well as other sensitive data.

In conversation with blue, Samuel Espitia Montenegro, explained that Page “X number per second is designed to support the connection“. According to him, the purpose of the attack used is to exceed that capability and thus make the pages unusable.

Hackers “They are sized so that one million people per second try to connect. It makes the page, even if it is working, does not respond to everyone. It is in the operation of Anonymous“she added.

The expert indicated that this is the moment when “hactivists” Take advantage of busy incident response teams to take advantage of the weaknesses they have Extracting all systems and information “, concluded through that.

What are DDoS attacks like Anonymous called against the Presidency’s website?

After attacking Army website This Senate, In Columbia’s Anonymous Twitter account Its members were asked to “DDoS” against the Presidency., After an attack that managed to bring the site down.

According to xcat, It would be the same type of attack that Espitia described in Blue, but it specifies that it is not necessary that a million people connect, but This can also be done remotely using botnets, which are computers infected with malware that follow the same command to attack, Without knowing the user of that device.

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The site states that these are common attacks in the form of protests, and states that there are several types:

“For example, you can send data very slowly so that the server consumes more resources, or exchange packets so that the server waits indefinitely for a response from an incorrect IP.”

About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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