How much will it cost to get from Recife to Porto de Galinhas in an “Air Uber”? we already know

How much will it cost to get from Recife to Porto de Galinhas in an “Air Uber”?  we already know

In a study presented this month that addresses advances in air mobility, Deloitte, a global finance and business consultancy, showed that the future with 100% electric air taxis is not that far off and is becoming increasingly viable. Is. Traffic jams and inter-municipal travel in large cities.

Being able to take off and land vertically without the need for an airport, the so-called evtol looks like a giant drone capable of carrying passengers. According to Deloitte, there are approximately 600 evtol aircraft projects being developed worldwide by approximately 350 companies. These include the Brazilian Embraer. From 2010 to 2020, these companies invested $4.5 billion. But in 2021 alone, investment in this sector jumped to US$5.8 billion.

in brazil

In September last year, GOL Linhas Aéreas announced that it intends to operate an air network with 250 eVTOL aircraft in Brazil over the next three years. “Assuming that the aircraft is certified and its delivery is successful, the company expects to begin operations with the Brazilian airline network using EVTOL aircraft in mid-2025,” read the statement from GOL. Other companies should get involved in the business, as the cost is not that high (compared to a traditional airline that operates with planes and helicopters). Avtols can be leased and operation can be simplified, simply by requesting a flight through an application.

But how much will it cost to travel in a “flying Uber”?

The Deloitte study compares the passenger cost of a “flying car” with regular and premium taxi services in the United States. While a regular taxi costs US$2.00 per mile/vehicle and a special taxi costs US$3.80 per mile/vehicle on average (up to US$5.20), a “ride” by flying car will cost approximately U$3.00 per mile/passenger. (This is in 2025, when commercial flights should start). Note: Taxi cost is for a vehicle that theoretically carries 4 passengers, while evtol costs for each passenger. But the good news is that Deloitte anticipates prices to drop when demand picks up. It is estimated that by 2030, flying an evtol will cost $2.75 per mile/passenger.

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Deloitte draws attention to the benefits of using flying cars to transport passengers. An Avtoll travels on average 5 times faster than a car and, because it is electric, it does so without leaving any grams of carbon dioxide on the planet. The consultancy also states that “consumer will”.
Pay for faster transportation is expected to be one of the key factors driving the adoption of advanced air mobility.”

What about Porto de Gallinhas?

Based on estimates from Deloitte, we simulated a trip from the Recife airport area to Porto de Gallinhas on the south coast. Whereas a transportation company application recorded a value of R$112.20 for travel in Comfort class, in a hypothetical electric flying car, with a duration of approximately 1h10 minutes, the same journey would cost R$403 per passenger. Since the evtol can fly at a speed of about 240 km/h, this distance will be covered in less than 10 minutes.

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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